

The Legend of the White Snake(1.2)

Chapter 1.2 The Snake Transforms and Enters the Mortal World
The night was chilly as water, and every household in Lin'an city lit their lamps. There were few pedestrians on the streets.

Li Gongfu, who had just returned from the yamen, was annoyed. He couldn't even manage to undo his buttons, and he was pulling at them in frustration.

His wife, Xu Jiaorong, shook her head and approached him to take off his coat and put it away. She complained, "Why did you come back so late today?"

Li Gongfu finished his tea in one gulp, slammed his hand on the table, and made the bowl jump. "These beasts! They're doing despicable things that will lead to the extinction of their family lines."

Xu Jiaorong put the bowl back and gave him a new cup of tea. She was surprised and asked, "Why are you getting so angry for no reason?"

Li Gongfu shook his head and explained slowly, "Haven't you noticed that children have been disappearing lately? The missing ones are either the only child in their family or children raised by widows. The culprits even put the children's blood-stained clothes on their doorstep as a provocation. It's so cruel. I am leading my men to patrol more often and we must catch that beast and kill him!"

Xu Jiaorong nodded. "Yes, you're right! My husband, you must be careful too. It's said that all the missing children are boys. There are rumors that it's a monster that eats only young boys. What if you can't defeat the monster?"

Li Gongfu became impatient again and said contemptuously, "There are no monsters in this world. It's just women's superstitions!"

The courtyard door was pushed open, and Xu Xian walked in with the moonlight. He heard their conversation and smiled, "Yes, my brother-in-law said there are no monsters, then there are definitely no monsters. Even if there are, my brother-in-law is an upright man and can handle it!"

Li Gongfu laughed happily, "Han Wen is clever."

Xu Jiaorong looked at the two men and scolded them, "Are you guys defending each other? Fine, it's just my women's views. You two men can cook dinner tonight."

Xu Xian and Li Gongfu exchanged a glance and quickly held back their laughter.

Li Gongfu quickly grabbed his wife's hand and said, "Madam is right. There must be a monster in Lin'an city. We must be careful not to become its snacks."

Xu Xian also agreed, "Yes, indeed. We must listen carefully to women's views. As Confucius said, 'If you don't listen to women's words, you will suffer.'"

Xu Jiaorong looked at the two men trying to please her and couldn't help but laugh.

She looked at Xu Xian and asked, "How's business today?"

Xu Xian smiled and said, "I sold a lot of medicine today and have enough silver now. I've made several antidotes."

Xu Jiaorong looked worried and thought for a moment. "May the Buddha bless us. I will go and brew some medicine for Madam Yu later."

Xu Xian saw a nine-link chain on the table and wondered, "The immortal's nine-link chain? Is he here in our house?"

Xu Jiaorong replied, "He's playing in the backyard. His mother is sick and his father is injured. No one is taking care of him, so I'm looking after him."

Xu Xian was taken aback. He realized that he hadn't seen the child in the backyard on his way in. He felt uneasy and ran towards the backyard. Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu followed closely behind.

The night was dark, and most of the shops had already closed. Only the pawnshop had a light leaking out of its window. Little did they know that Changsheng, who had caused them to worry, was looking up at the pawnbroker with his toes curled up, staring nervously at the bead in the pawnbroker's palm.
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The pawnbroker pinched the bead and looked at it in the candlelight with disgust. He shook his head and said, "Don't use those stories to fool me! This bead of yours is worth no more than a stone on the riverbank. You want to cheat me out of my silver with this rubbish? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Changsheng begged, "I'm not lying. This bead is really a treasure. My mother said that I brought it out of her womb and I've been with it since I was a child. I wouldn't sell it if my mother weren't seriously ill. Please, how much silver can I get for it?"

The pawnbroker held the bead in his hand and weighed it, then held it up to the light and said, "Get out of here. This is a pawnshop, not a charity. This rubbish bead is worth nothing. Take it and leave. It's an eyesore."

With that, the pawnbroker opened the door and threw the bead out. Changsheng exclaimed in surprise and ran out to retrieve it.

As soon as Changsheng stepped out of the pawnshop, the door behind him was shut. He was alone on the dark street.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the alley, and the fallen leaves on the ground began to roll and spin. In the darkness, a huge centipede was waiting for its prey.

Bai Suzhen failed to persuade Xu Xian and didn't know where to go, so she wandered along the dark street. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. How could there be such a strong demonic aura? It even had a smell of blood. Could it be the kind of demonic creature that Jing Song mentioned that could increase its power by harming people's lives?

Curious, she looked towards the direction of the street where the demonic aura was emanating.

The deserted street was shrouded in darkness. Changsheng, who was looking for his pearl, was anxiously searching on the ground. Under the moonlight, a giant centipede twisted its body and slowly moved towards Changsheng.

The horse tied at the street corner was frightened by the huge demonic aura, neighed, broke free from the reins, and ran towards the pawnshop.

Finally finding his pearl, Changsheng cradled it in his hands, completely oblivious to the danger behind him.

Just as Bai Suzhen appeared at the entrance of the alley, she saw the frightened horse charging towards Changsheng. However, Changsheng seemed to be petrified and didn't move.

Quickly chanting a spell, Bai Suzhen caught the horse and rushed over to protect Changsheng, leaping aside with him.

"My precious pearl!" Changsheng held the pearl close to his chest and looked at the horse that had stopped beside them in horror.

The centipede demon lurking in the shadows retreated immediately after Bai Suzhen appeared.

Changsheng thanked her, "Thank you for saving my life, elder sister."

Bai Suzhen looked at him cradling the pearl tightly and knew that it was extremely important to him. She patted his head gently and asked, "Silly child, do you realize that you nearly lost your life for a pearl?"

Changsheng nodded embarrassedly, "My mother said this pearl was in my mouth when I was born. It must be my amulet and cannot be lost."

Bai Suzhen was curious. If it was so important, why would he show it to anyone?

"Where is your mother? Why did she let you run around the streets so late at night?"

Changsheng thought for a moment, and his eyes turned red as he choked out, "My father broke his leg last month and couldn't work. My mother also fell ill. We have no money, and I want to sell the pearl to cure my mother..."

Bai Suzhen thought for a moment, took out a strand of her own hair, and turned it into a golden thread. She threaded the pearl onto it and hung it around Changsheng's neck.

Strange! This pearl was supposed to be his companion pearl, but why couldn't she sense any spiritual energy from it?

Changsheng looked at her gratefully and said, "Thank you, goddess sister!"

Bai Suzhen was excited, "What did you call me?"

Changsheng replied, "Goddess sister, you pointed at the horse just now, and it stopped. And just now, you used 'divine magic' to help me wear the pearl. You must be a goddess who came down to earth."

Bai Suzhen hesitated. In fact, she...

The two walked together in the dark street, and the moonlight cast their shadows on the wall, making the night seem a little gentler.

Changsheng shook Bai Suzhen's arm and asked for confirmation, "Goddess sister, my mother said that good children who obey will be blessed by the bodhisattva. I've always been good, so you came down to save my mother, right?"

Looking at Changsheng's eager eyes, Bai Suzhen swallowed the words she was about to say and smiled brightly.

"Yes, don't worry, your mother will be fine!"

Changsheng jumped up in excitement and waved at her, "Great, goddess sister! You must come to my house!"

Ignoring Bai Suzhen's objections, Changsheng led her excitedly back to his home. The centipede demon did not give up and followed closely behind, approaching them quickly. Bai Suzhen stopped and quietly released a burst of spiritual power. With one strike, the centipede demon quickly retreated.

When they were about to enter the door, they bumped into Li Gongfu's family who had been frantically searching for him.

Changsheng covered his face and wailed, "Oh no, it's Uncle Li's family. I forgot to say goodbye when I left. They must be worried sick! Sister, oh, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Suzhen was still looking back at the direction where the centipede demon had retreated. She raised her finger and smiled at Changsheng, "Shh... I'll come to your house tomorrow to see your mother. You go with them now and don't keep them waiting."

"Great, goddess sister, you must come!" Changsheng waved at her reluctantly and ran into the house.

After Changsheng entered the house, Bai Suzhen jumped onto a big tree, hung upside down, and observed her surroundings. The previously strong demonic aura with a smell of blood had disappeared.

However, behind her, countless grim claws suddenly appeared and swiftly grabbed towards her...

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