

The Legend of the White Snake(2.1)

Chapter 2.1 Broken Bridge in Hangzhou, Bai &Xu fell in love at first sight
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Bai Suzhen obtained the antidote and hurriedly rushed back to Lin'an. However, halfway there, she felt that something was off. What is that smell? The scent of blood is so thick, and it is somewhat similar to the demon energy from that night.

She took out the bottle containing the antidote from her bosom and opened the lid. A red smoke filled with killing intent surged out.

Bai Suzhen's face immediately changed. That green snake was too vicious. It actually mixed demon blood into the life-saving antidote!

She pinched a spell, pointed it at the bottle, and a white light shot into it. A red and white gas emerged from the bottle's mouth, intertwined and gradually disappeared.

Ah! It should not be a problem now!

She put the antidote into her bosom with relief and was about to leave when a golden light shot straight towards her. She turned her body to avoid it and narrowly missed it.

The voice of Fa Hai suddenly appeared, "Demon, how dare you cause trouble here. Today, I will kill you!"

Bai Suzhen hurriedly defended herself, "You misunderstood!"

Fa Hai chanted a Buddhist mantra, and with the fierce eyes of a Vajra, he looked at her and said, "Where is the misunderstanding? Demon, die!"

Fa Hai shouted angrily and attacked Bai Suzhen. She quickly dodged, but Fa Hai swung his Zen staff and unexpectedly found it difficult to move it. Bai Suzhen did not want to fight, and flew away.

"Evil demon, where are you going?" Fa Hai stood ready, holding up the purple-gold bowl and covering Bai Suzhen. Unexpectedly, the bowl tilted and spilled porridge all over the floor.

Looking at this sudden change, Fa Hai was stunned for a moment. During this moment of distraction, Bai Suzhen had already escaped far away.

She just wanted to do a good deed, but didn't expect to cause such a big trouble.

Bai Suzhen flew over roofs and walls all the way, but Fa Hai chased her relentlessly. Fa Hai held the purple-gold bowl in one hand and waved the Zen staff in the other, chanting mantras. The mantras formed a huge Sanskrit symbol, the swastika, which forced Bai Suzhen.

With nowhere to go, Bai Suzhen was in a dilemma. She arrived at the back door of the Jishi Hall and stopped. She immediately transformed into her original form, shrunk her body, and slipped into the courtyard through the crack in the door.

It was almost dusk, and the backyard of the Jishi Hall was peaceful. Bai Suzhen was anxious to get rid of Fa Hai and randomly chose a room. She jumped in through the window, crawled into the bed, curled up her body, and watched vigilantly outside.

The door was quietly pushed open, and two people sneaked in.

Huh? Bai Suzhen took a closer look. Aren't these two familiar people, the young lady and maid of the Jishi Hall?

Yin Xiang whispered, "Miss, is it appropriate to enter Mr. Xu's room like this?"

Jin Ruyi impatiently pouted, "This Jishi Hall is owned by my family. Isn't Han Wen's room also my room? Why can't I enter my own room?"

Yin Xiang scratched her head and said, "Although you say that, this is still a man's room."

Jin Ruyi raised her chin and said somewhat proudly, "I just want to know how much effort he put in to marry me and how many wives he secretly kept."


The two of them rummaged around the room, their footsteps getting closer and closer. Bai Suzhen felt like she was about to be discovered, her heart racing with anxiety.

Jin Ruyi finally found the evidence and held it up for Yin Xiang to see. "Look, the pattern on this sachet is exactly the same as the fabric on my clothes. Tsk tsk, he's really gone mad with love for me."

Yin Xiang sighed and said, "Miss, don't forget, that was brought back by the master from the Western Regions. He only got you a set of clothes, and the remaining scraps were given to everyone else. Even I have some..."

Jin Ruyi glared at her disapprovingly. "Why are you talking so much? Xu Xian is keeping this sachet here as a token of his love. Yin Xiang, I want to do him a big favor. Do you think my father would agree to our marriage if he saw me here with my clothes in disarray? "

Yin Xiang timidly replied, "Miss, please don't. It will ruin your reputation if we try to force our way without a proper matchmaker."

Jin Ruyi grew impatient and waved her hand to dismiss her. "Get out of here, you're really spoiling my mood! Be careful, I'll tell my father and have you sold!"

Yin Xiang was pushed out of the door roughly and tried to persuade her from outside, "Miss, please don't do it! Yin Xiang will listen to you."

Jin Ruyi paced back and forth in the room and suddenly yawned, walking towards the bed.

The white snake could only retreat deep into the covers, hoping that Jin Ruyi wouldn't notice her.

She didn't keep Jin Ruyi waiting for too long. The sound of the door lock clicking made Jin Ruyi's face light up as she pulled down her clothes and exposed half of her shoulders towards the door.

Fa Hai broke through the door, lifting the covers and striking Jin Ruyi with his staff, angrily shouting, "You evil creature, this time you won't be able to escape!"

But he stopped abruptly upon seeing Jin Ruyi's disheveled appearance.

Finally, Jin Ruyi woke up and saw the unfamiliar Fa Hai. She couldn't help but scream, "Help, someone! There's a flower thief here!"

Fa Hai immediately turned around and chanted "Amitabha Buddha! Don't look at what's inappropriate!"

Bai Suzhen saw Jin Ruyi holding her clothes with one hand and hitting Fa Hai with a pillow with the other.

At this moment, Xu Xian and Yin Xiang rushed in.

Xu Xian stopped Jin Ruyi and asked, "Ruyi, are you okay?"

Jin Ruyi rushed up to him and threw herself into his arms, crying loudly, "Xu Xian, help me beat him! This monk is trying to take advantage of me!"

Fa Hai retorted, "Don't speak nonsense, I'm here to catch demons, not to take advantage of you!"

Jin Ruyi cried out, "You lifted my covers, almost exposing me! Isn't that taking advantage of me?"

Fa Hai recited a Buddhist scripture, "Amitabha Buddha, the demon must still be nearby! I must go catch it!" He then flew out the window.

Xu Xian followed him out, and Jin Ruyi kept crying and shouting, "Quick, catch him and beat him to death! This monk is a lecherous thief! Look at how beautiful I am, and he still wants to take advantage of me!"

In a neglected corner, a crystal-clear white snake crawled down from the bed unnoticed.

Master Jin of Jishi Tang had just returned and saw Xu Xian rushing out. He was about to ask what had happened when he suddenly heard Jin Ruyi screaming, "There's a snake!"

Master Jin hurried over and ordered, "Quick, catch it! Don't let it escape!"

Bai Suzhen and the others ran around, playing and having fun. At this moment, a bowl was overturned on the snake that was still running around.

Bai Suzhen suddenly felt dizzy and weak, thinking to herself, "What is this thing... it's so suffocating..."

Jin Ruyi saw the snake being caught and clapped her hands happily, then turned to ask Xu Xian, "What did you use? The snake seems to have fainted?"

Xu Xian calmly replied, "Realgar powder. Snakes are afraid of realgar."

Master Jin frowned and scolded, "What a mess! Who brought the snake in here? Yin Xiang, is this how you serve the young miss? I spent two taels of silver to buy you as a maid, and you're just enjoying the good life without doing any work!"

Xu Xian had already memorized this set of arguments and followed Master Jin's mouth and actions to scold Yin Xiang without missing a word, making Jin Ruyi laugh out loud.

Yin Xiang was afraid of being punished by her master and whispered to him.
Mr. Jin angrily asked, "What? Ruyi, did that perverted monk lift your blanket and expose you?"

Jin Ruyi covered her face and sobbed, "Dad! Why are you yelling so loud? Do you want to embarrass your daughter even more?"

Xu Xian stepped forward and said, "Master Jin, the situation is not as serious as it seems. Although that lecherous monk had bad intentions, Sister Ruyi was clever and didn't let him take advantage of her."

Jin Ruyi was deeply touched by Xu Xian's words and nodded while sobbing.

However, Mr. Jin still frowned and asked, "But how did Ruyi end up in your room, Xu Xian? I warn you, don't have any ideas about Ruyi! My daughter will marry into a wealthy family in the future!"

Xu Xian respectfully bowed and said, "Master Jin, I understand. Sister Ruyi is as beautiful as the bright moon in the sky, and I can only look up to her. I wouldn't dare to act recklessly."

Mr. Jin nodded and said, "You have self-awareness. My Ruyi is both beautiful and gentle. Even if she marries into a royal family, it will be more than enough. Now, go and kill this snake. Keep the gallbladder for medicine."

Xu Xian followed Mr. Jin's order and walked to the river with a cage. The little white snake inside was sparkling and beautiful with a strong spiritual aura. It lifted its head and calmly looked at Xu Xian.

Baisuzhen silently warned him with her eyes not to think he could kill her. That was a sneak attack. She was careless and choked on realgar.

Xu Xian looked at the white snake, which kept spitting venom at him, without any fear. He couldn't help but marvel, "What a spiritual pair of eyes. Could it be that you have become enlightened?"

The white snake stiffened and looked at Xu Xian, seemingly scared by his words.

Xu Xian smiled and opened the cage, placing it near the water. He gently patted the cage and said to the snake, "Go, I won't kill you. I can use other materials instead of your gallbladder. There's a hot spring ahead. You can stay there to keep warm. But don't go to people's rooms without permission again."

Baisuzhen was surprised. Oh? He doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought.

The little white snake stood up and moved its body up and down, unsure whether to stay or go. It went into the water and turned around again, seeming to want to recognize this handsome scholar who helped her.

Xu Xian was stunned by the snake's human-like behavior and smiled.

Underwater, Baisuzhen transformed into a human form and looked up at Xu Xian, who was smiling on the shore. After a while, she also smiled. The two of them were separated by the moonlight reflected on the lake, smiling at each other.
