

The Legend of the White Snake(2.3)

Chapter 2.3 Broken Bridge in Hangzhou, Bai &Xu fell in love at first sight
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On the night of the Lantern Festival, the moon was round like a mirror, and there were no stars for thousands of miles. Fireworks bloomed in the night sky, falling like a shower of stars. The whole city of Lin'an was lit up, with lights shining in every alley and street, and the sound of carriages and drums mingling with the lanterns and moon.

Inside the Nuwa Temple, four demons sat in a row in front of the broken window, looking up at the fireworks in the sky and listening to the endless sound of firecrackers. They sighed in unison at the desolation of the dilapidated temple.

Da Qian said, "Back when I was in the Crystal Palace, I've seen much more lively scenes than this. Fireworks... are not even rare."

A Luo rolled her eyes at Da Qian and said, "My General Da Qian, everyone knows that you were just a gatekeeper back then. I, on the other hand, was the strategist under the Dragon King. Can the scenes you've seen compare to mine?"

Gui Bao worriedly said, "You guys better watch your mouths. The young master will be back soon, don't let slip in front of him."

Meanwhile, Xiao Qing, who was being missed by someone, lazily sat in the window of the Drunken Immortal Tower, pouring herself wine and drinking cup after cup. She looked at the fireworks outside the window, but her eyes were desolate.

She remembered the day her mother left. Lightning and thunder roared in the sky, and her mother used her spell to shield her before flying into the air. After a loud thunder, the power of the spell gradually weakened, and she saw her mother's white clothes covered in blood. A thunderous roar came from the sky, and the demon was punished for their sins.

Later, her mother turned into her original form and became transparent, eventually dissipating in the fireworks...

Tears slowly gathered in Xiao Qing's eyes, reflecting the fireworks outside the window. She whispered, "Isn't the Lantern Festival a day for family reunions? Mother, why did you leave Qing'er?" She put down the wine glass heavily and called out, "Waiter, more wine!"

"Alright! Guest, what's the point of drinking without eating? How about trying our Drunken Immortal Tower's signature dish, the Full Snake Feast?"

Xiao Qing dangerously narrowed her eyes, "Full Snake Feast?"

"Of course, this snake is a great thing, with its whole body being a treasure. Guest, do you want to try it?"

Xiao Qing's eyes turned red, and she grabbed the waiter's collar, lifted him up in the air, sniffed him and licked her lips, grinning, "I don't want to eat the Full Snake Feast today. I want to taste the 'Full Human Feast'!"

Her eyes turned fierce as she transformed into a green giant python, opening her blood-stained mouth and biting towards the waiter.

The guests in the restaurant panicked and fled in terror, screaming, "Monster... it's a monster!"
The guests in the restaurant scattered in panic.

"Monster... there's a monster!"

"Snake! A huge snake!"

Fa Hai, who was investigating the snake demon's aura on the street, stopped in his tracks and watched as the crowd fled. He looked up in the direction of the restaurant, his brow furrowing.

The restaurant was now empty, with only a mess left behind.

The waiter was trembling in fear, "Spare me, don't... don't eat me!"

The giant python, with its gaping maw, lunged at the waiter's head. Suddenly, a golden light shone through the window, leaving a gash on the snake's head.

Fa Hai angrily shouted, "Stop, do not harm the innocent!"

The green python released its grip on the waiter and he fainted. The green python turned back into human form, with a beautiful face and a bloody wound.

She looked at Fa Hai, wiping the blood off her face with the back of her hand. She licked her hand with her tongue and sneered at Fa Hai, "I wondered who was meddling here, turns out it's a monk."

Fa Hai's gaze was like lightning, "You demon, how dare you attack openly! Today, I will punish you on behalf of the heavens!"

Punish on behalf of the heavens, eliminate the demon? This familiar tone was almost identical to the day when his mother had an accident.

Xiao Qing burst out laughing, tears streaming down her face. She was slightly drunk and stumbled around, pointing at the dishes on the tables. Her voice choked as she said, "Punish on behalf of the heavens? What a joke! Every plate and bowl here is made from the shattered bodies of my kind! Why don't you punish them? You people in the Buddhist community, always talking about saving all beings, but have you ever shown them any pity?"

Fa Hai retorted, "You're talking nonsense!"

Xiao Qing couldn't be bothered to argue anymore and began to fight Fa Hai with spells. Soon, her spells could not rival Fa Hai's and she gradually fell behind. Just as Fa Hai was about to strike her with a palm, Xiao Qing's mouth curved into a relieved smile and she murmured, "Mother, Qing'er is coming to see you."

A gust of wind blew, causing the restaurant's window frames to creak. A white silk flew in through the window, wrapping up Xiao Qing and taking her out of the window.

Fa Hai missed with his palm strike and when he chased after her, he found himself surrounded by crowds of people at the lantern festival, with no trace of Xiao Qing.

There was no more noise around her. Xiao Qing opened her eyes and saw a beautiful woman holding her, full of concern, quiet and beautiful like an immortal. She was just like her mother, charging into the sky amidst a shower of flowers.

Xiao Qing looked at her hazily, "Mother... you came to save me..." Bai Suzhen looked at her drunken appearance, shook her head, and threw her into the lake without any mercy. Xiao Qing struggled for a few times in the water, choking on water, before finally peeking out, looking at Bai Suzhen with a grievance.

"Is it you?"

Bai Suzhen squatted by the lake, holding her shoulders, "Are you sober now? Since you're okay, I'll take my leave."

Xiao Qing hurriedly said, "Hey, wait for me!"

Bai Suzhen's footsteps never stopped as she turned and walked away. Xiao Qing hurriedly emerged from the water and followed her.

Bai Suzhen walked ahead while Xiao Qing followed behind. After a while, Bai Suzhen couldn't take it anymore and stopped.

"Why are you always following me?" she asked.

Xiao Qing was caught off guard and quickly replied, "I'm following you to protect you! You just saved me earlier, and I'm someone who repays kindness. Look, you're new to this place, with me by your side, no one will dare to bully you."

Bai Suzhen pointed at herself and said, "Protect me? You should protect yourself first!"

Xiao Qing frowned and said, "Don't doubt me. I was just a little drunk earlier and acted out of character. Don't be fooled by my current appearance. I used to be a powerful figure in Lin'an City. You saw those four river monsters, right? I tamed them with my skills."

Bai Suzhen looked at her with disdain and turned to leave. Xiao Qing was confused and chased after her, saying, "Do you know I tampered with the antidote? Why did you save me just now? Besides my mother, no one has ever been so kind to me. You can't deny that you're interested in me."

Bai Suzhen shook her head and said, "Don't think too much. I would have saved anyone in that situation."

Xiao Qing grabbed her sleeve and said, "Don't be so quick to leave. I haven't finished talking yet."

Bai Suzhen explained, "But I'm in a hurry to go see the lantern festival."

Xiao Qing waved her hand dismissively and said, "What's so interesting about the lantern festival? It's just a bunch of bookworms guessing riddles, making things difficult for themselves. Let me take you to see something more interesting. Have you ever seen the night view of West Lake? Let's go together."

Bai Suzhen turned her head and said, "You go by yourself. We have different paths and cannot work together."

She then went to Ling Luo's residence and saw a clothing store with clothes hanging everywhere. She walked in and picked out a long red dress and a jade-green jacket. She compared them in front of her and thought, "Human creations are truly amazing. There are so many clothes here that are irresistible."

Coincidentally, Jin Ruyi was also picking out clothes in the store. She gave Bai Suzhen a disdainful look and muttered, "This country bumpkin has never seen the world, picking such gaudy clothes."

She spoke quietly, but Bai Suzhen had good hearing and heard everything. She thought to herself, "It seems like she's looking down on me. I should learn from this girl from Ji Shi Tang to avoid making a fool of myself." She quietly observed Jin Ruyi.

After seeing Jin Ruyi pick out a piece of clothing, Bai Suzhen quickly chose the same one. After changing into her new clothes, the shopkeeper handed her a bronze mirror to look at herself.

Bai Suzhen saw herself in the mirror for the first time and, feeling alarmed, took a step back and said, "What kind of demon are you? Why do you look exactly like me?"

Jin Ruyi came out of the dressing room in her new clothes and heard what Bai Suzhen said. She looked at the two of them wearing identical clothes and became angry. She marched over and said, "Did I offend you in any way, miss?"

Bai Suzhen was still looking at herself in the mirror and said, "You've never offended me."

Jin Ruyi furiously said, "I'll wear whatever I want, and if I wear something, you wear it too. Why do you call me a monster? Are you looking for a fight?"

Bai Suzhen quickly explained, "Miss, 'monster' is not a term of abuse. Moreover, I see no spiritual energy in you, so you cannot be a monster."

"You say I have no spiritual energy?!" Jin Ruyi was about to explode.

"You really don't have any spiritual energy, and monsters are much better looking than you. Also, who says that just because you wear something, others cannot wear it? My sister is beautiful no matter what she wears. Can't you compete with her? If you can't, then just change your clothes.” Xiaoqing's voice came from outside, with a hint of sarcasm.

Jin Ruyi was so angry that she could not speak.

Xiaoqing clenched her fists and said aggressively, "What's wrong with me?"

"This is ridiculous!" Jin Ruyi didn't dare to offend Xiaoqing. She glared fiercely at Bai Suzhen, put down her money, and walked out of the store.

Bai Suzhen looked at Xiaoqing helplessly and said, "Why is it always you? You're so rude as soon as you arrive! You've scared away all the customers! I have to go apologize to them!"

Bai Suzhen was about to go after Jin Ruyi when the shopkeeper stopped her.

"Miss, you haven't paid for your dress yet," the shopkeeper said.

"Paid? What's that?" Bai Suzhen was confused.

The shopkeeper looked her up and down and said, "Miss, are you making fun of me?"

Just as the shopkeeper was about to get angry, Xiaoqing stepped forward and threw her money pouch at him, showing off, "See, without me, you wouldn't be able to move an inch. You should be grateful to me!"

After Xiaoqing paid, she looked up and saw that Bai Suzhen had already left. "Why didn't you wait for me?" she complained, and quickly followed after her.


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