

The Legend of the White Snake(2)

Chapter 2.0 Broken Bridge in Hangzhou, Bai &Xian fell in love at first sight
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Xiaoqing looked at the beautiful woman, eyes fixed, thinking to herself, "I'm done for. In terms of beauty, I can only come in second place." However, how could she miss out on such a stunning beauty who had come to her doorstep?

Just as she was about to slip out from behind the Buddha statue, the four monsters grabbed her and pulled her back. Aro, one of her henchmen, stepped forward and gently wiped away the blood from her nose.

Da Guo couldn't bear to watch and said, "Boss, mind your manners."

Xiaoqing broke free and coiled around a pillar, striking a pose as she hospitably greeted the woman, "Who are you looking for, my dear?"

Bai Suzhen looked at her snake tail swinging back and forth and asked, "Are you the green snake demon?" Xiaoqing chuckled and almost drooled, "What a discerning beauty you are! Did you come here today to find my brother? This ten-mile slope is all my territory. Would you like to stay and let me take care of you?"

One of her henchmen behind her couldn't resist teasing her, "With the boss's pick-up skills, if he were to go public, wouldn't he be a bachelor for life?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Bai Suzhen didn't know who she was dealing with and why she had come here. She remembered her reason for coming here and got straight to the point, "Did you poison the wife of the Yu family? Give me the antidote."

Xiaoqing put on an air of debauchery and raised an eyebrow, "My dear, if you follow me, not to mention the antidote, everything will be yours."

Bai Suzhen had never dealt with such a monster before. She frowned and looked at the temple, and then at the half-snake Xiaoqing, who was coiled around the pillar, and sneered, "You're just a snake demon with only five hundred years of cultivation. Not only do you poison people, but you also dare to harass young girls. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you'll become a demon sooner or later!"

She turned her hand, and a long sword appeared in her palm. Without hesitation, she stabbed at Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing couldn't resist and could only block and push. She didn't hold back her words, "Wow, you're really fierce. But I like it."

The two immediately started fighting. After a few rounds, it was clear that Xiaoqing was no match for Bai Suzhen. She quickly turned and fled the temple, with Bai Suzhen in hot pursuit!

The four henchmen who were watching from behind suddenly realized that they were in trouble. Their boss had lost again, what were they going to do? Three of them turned to Guibao for advice.

Guibao anxiously shouted, "Protect the young master!"

The four of them immediately followed suit, but the turtle demon was slow and couldn't keep up. The crab demon couldn't take it anymore and picked up the turtle, running towards the door.

"The door is over here!" Aro shouted.

The two who had gone in the wrong direction quickly turned their bodies and walked towards the door.

Bai Suzhen looked at the green snake demon in front of her, who was almost powerless to defend herself. She thought she would soon get the antidote, but unexpectedly, Xiaoqing suddenly revealed her true form. The green python opened its bloodthirsty mouth and pounced, spitting out a ball of poisonous gas.

Bai Suzhen smiled faintly and did not dodge. She turned her hand and sent the poisonous gas back to the snake demon, who was knocked away.

After falling to the ground, Xiaoqing turned back into a human and struggled to get up, with an expression of infinite grievance on her face.

Bai Suzhen pointed her long sword at her throat and said, "I am Bai Suzhen from the Ling Snake Valley of Emei Mountain. As fellow cultivators, I intended to let you go, but you caused the death of others. Today, I will destroy you."
Xiaoqing lay on the ground, looking indignant. "I admit to the things I've done, but don't frame me for things I haven't done. When have I ever caused harm to someone's life?"

Bai Suzhen's voice grew colder, and her eyes contained frost as she accused, "Don't deny it. You poisoned a woman, I checked, and she was poisoned by your snake venom!"

Xiaoqing frowned and thought for a long time before slapping her head. "You mean the woman who asked for the talisman for her son's safety?"

Bai Suzhen coldly snorted. "You finally admit it!"

Xiaoqing cried and whined, "It was an accident...let me explain the truth to you..."

A few days ago, Xiaoqing was taken over by a centipede spirit that suddenly appeared in Lin'an City. They couldn't win the fight, so they could only live in the Nuwa Temple and rely on human offerings to survive.

That day, Xiaoqing was sitting on the altar, eating offerings with her subordinates. She had just taken a bite of an apple when she heard something outside the temple.

Xiaoqing urged, "Someone's here, go, do your job!"

She put down the apple and, with the other demons, transformed into a Buddha statue, but didn't forget to squint at the woman who knelt on the cushion in front of the statue.

The woman's clothes were worn, but still tidy. She knelt in front of the Buddha statue with great piety. "I pray to Nuwa, please bless my son with a long life and safety as he grows up." She knocked her head a few times, and when she got up to leave, she saw the offerings on the table and couldn't help but lick her lips. "My family hasn't eaten for a while, I'll take a few. Nuwa won't blame me, right?"

The woman sneaked over, looked around, and put all the offerings on the table into her pocket. When she found the half-eaten apple, she hesitated for a moment before comforting herself. "Although it's been bitten by a mouse, the other half is still good. I'll eat it myself."

...The people squatting on the altar were stunned. When the woman left with the offerings, they immediately revealed themselves.

Xiaoqing was angry. "It's so despicable, did you see that? She stole our things and even said that I was a mouse!"

Da Guo nodded. "It's a slander! Boss, you're much prettier than a mouse."

A Luo said, "Boss, she didn't mind your saliva on the apple."

Da Qian said straightforwardly, "There's poison in your saliva..."

Xiaoqing angrily slammed the table. "She deserves it. I haven't eaten enough for days, and she didn't leave me any!"

Bai Suzhen listened to Xiaoqing repeating what happened that day, feeling a little embarrassed. She walked forward and gently supported Xiaoqing, sincerely apologizing, "I'm sorry, little brother. I was reckless. Now, that woman's life is in danger. Please give her a drop of snake bile to detoxify." Xiaoqing also understood the principle of seeing good and accepting it, and he took the opportunity to touch Bai Suzhen's skin as soft as jade and said, "Don't worry, I'm a kind-hearted person who likes to repay kindness with kindness. A Luo, go get the bottle on the altar for me."

Xiaoqing signaled to A Luo, who immediately understood. A Luo brought a clay pot, and Xiaoqing dropped a drop of emerald green bile into the pot and handed it to Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen didn't expect the other party to be so understanding. After receiving the antidote, she bid farewell to him, "Thank you, little brother, for your trouble."

Xiaoqing waved his hand insincerely, "Goodbye, no need to see me off."
After seeing Bai Suzhen off, Xia Qing's face turned gloomy and she sat down angrily on the altar. She muttered, "She believes everything she hears. How foolish! Her cultivation level is even higher than mine, it's ridiculous!"

Her four subordinates quickly massaged her legs and shoulders, trying to please her.

Da Qian advised, "Boss, although her cultivation level is higher than ours, her intelligence is not as good as yours."

Xiao Qing twirled a strand of hair with her finger and proudly raised her eyebrows. "No one can take advantage of me. The bottle not only contains my gallbladder, but also the blood of the stinky centipede! That beautiful lady will surely attract the centipede's attention by flaunting the blood. Who do you think will win in a battle between a snake demon and a centipede demon?"

A Luo answered honestly, "Of course, the centipede demon. Boss, you can't even beat it!"

Da Gu added, "But not necessarily, you were also defeated by the beautiful snake lady."

Xiao Qing was initially proud, but upon hearing their words, she slapped them. The four men covered their heads and ran away while laughing.

In Lin'an City, Fa Hai had been searching for signs of demonic energy for several days but found nothing. He searched the market for a long time, but still found nothing.

Fa Hai walked up to a vendor and leaned his Purifying Evil Staff against the wall. He stared at the vendor with piercing eyes, making the vendor nervous.

Fa Hai raised one hand and bowed. "Vendor..."

The vendor quickly picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful of porridge into the purple gold bowl that Fa Hai was holding.

Fa Hai looked at the bowl of porridge and hesitated for a moment before explaining, "I'm not here for alms."

The vendor, intimidated by Fa Hai's gaze, asked, "Master, do you have any orders for me?"

Fa Hai folded his hands and asked, "Have you heard of any strange occurrences around here?"

The vendor thought to himself, "Is there anything stranger than you?"

As Fa Hai's gaze swept over him, the vendor suddenly remembered something. "Come to think of it, many children have gone missing in Lin'an City recently. They are mostly only children who inherit the family line. It's a tragedy. Everyone says that there might be demons in Lin'an City that exclusively prey on children."

Fa Hai frowned and asked, "Demons? Could it be the thousand-year-old demon that was born to fulfill its destiny?"

At that moment, his Purifying Evil Staff suddenly shook, and Fa Hai's eyes glinted. There was a demon! Before the vendor could say anything else, the monk disappeared without a trace.

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