

The Legend of the White Snake(3.3)

Chapter 3.3 The Lantern Festival brings unexpected events
The city was in chaos, with fires and missing children. Li Gongfu was at his wits' end, rushing to leave when he was stopped by Xu Xian. Xu Xian looked tired and had dark circles under his eyes.

Li Gongfu asked, "What's wrong with you, Hanwen? Did you not rest well last night?"

Xu Xian shook his head and said, "I'm fine, brother-in-law. Could you help me inquire at the yamen if there was a girl among the injured last night? Her surname is Bai, and she spoke with a Sichuan accent, wearing an embroidered peony long dress..."

Li Gongfu interrupted him, saying he couldn't tell the difference between a peony and a peony. He suggested copying the list of names of the dead and injured for Xu Xian to search for the girl himself.

Xu Xian was disheartened but did not give up. Li Gongfu comforted him, saying that the safety of his family was the most important thing, and that they could only do what they could.

Later that day, the streets were filled with walls and tiles burned by the fire, a stark contrast to the bustling scene of the day before. The victims were trying to clean up their shops, with some shedding tears.

Bai Suzhen saw this and felt sorrow and pity. Suddenly, a heartbreaking cry rose from the crowd.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing exchanged glances and walked toward the sound of the crying. Outside the yamen, parents holding blood-stained children's clothes surrounded the gate. Li Gongfu and his men stood in front of the gate to prevent people from entering the yamen.

The county magistrate paced back and forth inside, looking angry. He scolded Li Gongfu for allowing the arson to happen and for the recent kidnappings of dozens of boys. He ordered him to find the children as soon as possible.

The cries outside became louder, with a man named Liu pleading for the magistrate's help. White Suzhen and Xiaoqing listened to the people's complaints, their expressions becoming more solemn.

Xiaoqing said it must be the centipede demon who had been taking the boys, and that she smelled its demonic aura last night. White Suzhen asked if it was the same demon that Xiaoqing had been talking about. Xiaoqing nodded, saying that since she arrived in Lin'an City, boys had been disappearing.

Bai Suzhen shook her head, saying that it was not just about advancing its cultivation, but also about enjoying the misery of the victims. Xiaoqing agreed, saying that those who enjoyed seeing others lose their children were usually those who couldn't have children themselves.

Bai Suzhen nodded in agreement, saying that Xiaoqing was right, and that she was too afraid to face the reality of the world.

As a professional translator of Chinese novels into English, you face the difficult task of translating sentences that are filled with poetic and picturesque language.

In a crowd of people, Wu Niangzi cast a sinister glance at Xiao Qing, before nonchalantly exiting the group. She returned to her residence and lay down on a chaise longue, watching the children suspended in mid-air by creepy silk threads. Listening to the children's cries of pain, Wu Niangzi displayed an expression of indulgence and pleasure, softly humming a lullaby as she embroidered a pair of child's shoes.

"Good baby, sleep tight. Wake up and you'll get a treat. Where's the treat? The cat ate it. Where's the cat? The dog chased it. Where's the dog? It jumped the wall. Where's the wall? The pig destroyed it. Where's the pig? I ate it..."

The eerie melody left the children terrified. Wu Niangzi looked at them and slowly spoke, her voice at times rough and masculine, at times tender and feminine.

"Isn't my embroidery beautiful? I bet you'll never see anything better than this in your lifetime. I was already the most skilled embroiderer in Chaoge City at the age of fifteen, and was named Lady by Emperor Xin of Shang."

The male voice sneered, "Hmph, what Emperor Xin? Everyone calls him King Zhou now, the tyrant!"

The female voice was not to be outdone and was lost in her own memories. "Although King Zhou has turned to ashes, I, Lady, am still the most skilled embroiderer in Lin'an City two thousand years later."

The male voice mocked, "Hmph, so what if you're the most skilled? You were still wronged by King Zhou and Daji and your resentment still lingers!"

The female voice seemed accustomed to being challenged and ignored him, turning to the children instead. "You all like the shoes that I embroidered, don't you? Not only you, even my daughter loved them dearly. I made her a pair every month. Unfortunately, during the Yin and Shang dynasties, we didn't have such good needles or beautiful threads, and my skills were inferior to what they are now. Alas, my poor daughter never got to enjoy such good things. Look, aren't they beautiful?"

Wu Niangzi held up the embroidered shoes to show the children, who were all too afraid to answer her question.

The male voice cruelly said, "They're all just children's flesh, what's the point of this? You've caused such a fuss these days that you've even attracted the monks from Jinshan Temple! You've brought this upon yourself!"

The female voice grew shrill, "Shut up! If it weren't for me making a fuss, would you have been able to catch so many children at once? Now, as long as we eat these children during the total lunar eclipse, our cultivation will break through three thousand years. By then, who in the Three Realms will be able to match Lady? You stupid bug, you're only benefiting from my hard work!"

Wu Niangzi spoke longingly, "Daughter, wait for Mother, Mother will be able to reunite with you soon!" She then stood up, grinning demonically as she walked towards the children.

The next day, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing were walking on the street when they bumped into someone head-on. Xiao Qing stopped the person and demanded, "Hey, can't you watch where you're going? You bumped into my sister!"

Xu Xian immediately apologized and bowed, "Sorry, I was in a hurry. Is Miss Bai alright...?"

Bai Suzhen was surprised but pleased to see him, "Doctor Xu!"

Xiao Qing saw the way they looked at each other and became annoyed. She thought to herself, who is this guy anyway? He's not even as good-looking as me, but since my sister met him, she's been talking to him non-stop and ignoring me!

She stood in front of them, separating Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, and said provocatively, "Sir, I am Xiao Qing, Miss Bai's personal maid."

Xu Xian bowed again, "Miss Xiao Qing."

Xiao Qing replied arrogantly, "We are from a prominent family with many rules. As a man from outside, it is inappropriate to speak directly to Miss Bai. If you have something to say, tell me first and I'll pass it on to her. This is the proper way for us to behave in our family."

Bai Suzhen watched Xiao Qing acting like an old scholar and couldn't help but feel both amused and annoyed.

Xu Xian then asked, "May I know where Miss Bai is headed later?"

Xiao Qing coughed twice, reminding Xu Xian that he was supposed to tell her instead. She then turned to Bai Suzhen and said, "Miss, Doctor Xu is asking where you are going later."

Bai Suzhen replied directly to Xu Xian, "I'm worried about Changsheng's safety and want to go see his family."

Xu Xian was delighted, "We're going to the same place. I'm actually going to Changsheng's house to bring some medicine for his wife. Shall we go together?"

Bai Suzhen agreed, "That would be great." They walked ahead together.

Xiao Qing followed after them, anxious to remind them to start the conversation again. "Wait, let's start over! I haven't had a chance to pass on the message yet!"

