

The Legend of the White Snake(5)

Chapter 5.0 Bai Su Zhen transformed the centipede spirit with her compassion

Madame Wu stared coldly at the two of them and said, "I wondered who had the gall to oppose me after consuming bear's heart and leopard's gall, but it turns out to be two ignorant little demons!"

Bai Suzhen stepped forward fearlessly and bowed slightly to Madame Wu. "Senior has almost 3,000 years of cultivation. As long as you focus on your practice, you can achieve enlightenment soon. Why do you have to add to your sins? I implore you to spare the innocent children."

The Centipede Demon muttered, "Spare them? A little snake with only a thousand years of cultivation. What do you have to offer me?"

Bai Suzhen asked, "What do you want?"

Madame Wu looked her up and down, first chatting with her with interest, then becoming impatient and changing her voice from male to female.

"Get lost, stop wasting my time! I don't care about enlightenment! I want to kill them. What can you do about it?"

Bai Suzhen's gaze sharpened and she attacked Madame Wu. Madame Wu dodged her attack effortlessly and sent out a burst of light that knocked Bai Suzhen and Jing Song back.

"I don't have time to play with you now. When I finish my important business, I'll come back and deal with you!"

With that, Madame Wu waved her hand, opened the secret door, and disappeared inside.

Bai Suzhen was about to follow, but Jing Song stopped her. "Don't go in there. It's the Centipede's lair. She's cunning and must have laid traps."

While Bai Suzhen hesitated, she heard the cries of the children ahead.

She looked at the sky and saw that it was getting dark.

"It's almost night. She's probably going to use these children for some sinister ritual during the lunar eclipse. If we don't stop her now, it'll be too late. You watch over these constables. I'll save the children!" Bai Suzhen shook off Jing Song's hand and chased after Madame Wu.

Jing Song frowned at the constables lying all over the place, then glanced at the direction Bai Suzhen had left. He swept his hand and all the constables were pushed to the wall.

"What do I care about your life or death? You're in the way!"

Jing Song no longer looked at them and entered the secret passage.

The secret room was dark and deep, like another world. The sorrowful cries of the children came from inside. Bai Suzhen carefully made her way forward and saw that it was a centipede's lair.

In the center of the cave was an altar. Changsheng sat on the altar, crying like a puppet. Madame Wu pressed her hand against his chest, and his crying suddenly stopped as blood flowed from his body.

"Changsheng---" Bai Suzhen cried out.

Madame Wu casually picked up a blood bead floating in the air and put it into her mouth, squinting her eyes in enjoyment. She licked her fingers and looked at Bai Suzhen provocatively.

Bai Suzhen flew towards Madame Wu.

Madame Wu didn't even try to dodge. She shot out hundreds of colorful embroidery threads that attacked Changsheng directly.

Bai Suzhen had to protect Changsheng from Madame Wu's attack, so she used her spiritual power to block the threads. She stood in front of Changsheng and her white light turned into the shadow of a white snake, entangling the embroidery threads and fighting Madame Wu in midair.

After a while, Bai Suzhen began to weaken from exhaustion.

As a professional translator of Chinese novels, your job is to translate them into English, which is a difficult task because many sentences in Chinese novels are full of poetic and picturesque language.

Wu Niangzi sneered as she watched Bai Suzhen struggling. "If you don't stop, I'll cut this white snake into two pieces with my embroidery thread."

Bai Suzhen didn't respond, fighting hard against Wu Niangzi. The snake wrapped itself even tighter, and the embroidery thread cut into its body, revealing spots of deep red on Bai Suzhen's clothes.

The centipede demon looked at Bai Suzhen through Wu Niangzi's eyes, his expression turning greedy. He warned her, "Stupid woman, don't shake her internal energy too hard, or we won't need a hundred children's flesh to eat after we swallow her internal energy! This white snake has over a thousand years of cultivation!"

Wu Niangzi snapped, "Shut up! I love eating children's flesh!"

More centipede legs appeared on her body, joining the attack. Bai Suzhen struggled even harder.

Wu Niangzi held her embroidery thread and slowly approached Bai Suzhen's chest, sneering, "You dare to fight me with just this level of cultivation?"

Bai Suzhen gritted her teeth, "Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

Wu Niangzi looked at her contemptuously. "You can't even protect yourself, yet you want to protect this child? I want to see who you can protect!" She pierced Bai Suzhen's outer garment with her embroidery thread, and it was about to pierce her chest. Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and Jing Song appeared, cutting the embroidery thread and pulling her into his arms.

Bai Suzhen shook her head and urged him, "Don't worry about me, save Changsheng!"

Wu Niangzi coldly laughed and threw her embroidery needle, but Jing Song protected Bai Suzhen and dodged it.

With Bai Suzhen no longer blocking her, the needle with the embroidery thread pierced Changsheng's chest. Bai Suzhen broke free from Jing Song and rushed towards Changsheng. Just as she was about to reach him, Wu Niangzi's embroidery thread formed a net, blocking her. Bai Suzhen swung her sword wildly, but the embroidery thread became more and more dense, and she couldn't break through the barrier.

Wu Niangzi walked to Changsheng's side, and her hand touched his cheek lightly, admiring Bai Suzhen who was blocked by the embroidery thread. Bai Suzhen was furious, "Don't touch him!"

Wu Niangzi felt very pleased and asked with joy, "Does it hurt your heart? However, he is not your biological child. Your pain at this moment is not as great as mine back then!"

Bai Suzhen gritted her teeth and said, "As a mother, you know the feeling of losing a child, yet you want to impose such pain on others. Your cruelty will surely be punished!" As she spoke to Wu Niangzi, she secretly made a gesture behind her back.

Jing Song saw her gesture and immediately understood.

Wu Niangzi laughed arrogantly, "In this world, who can give me retribution? Little white snake, these children are dead, and it's your turn!"

She didn't notice that a golden rat Bodhi seed had quietly rolled into the embroidery thread pile, turning into a cute little golden rat.

"Now it's too early to say whose turn it is!" As soon as Bai Suzhen finished speaking, she attacked Wu Niangzi without caring about her own safety, using desperate methods.

Jing Song couldn't stop Bai Suzhen in time and knew that she was fighting a losing battle. He gritted his teeth and rushed up as well!

At the entrance of the Jinxiu District, Fahai was led by Xiaoqing, and suddenly his Zen stick shook violently, and the sound of the temple bell was loud, about to fly out of his hand.

Such a strong demon energy!

Fahai's expression changed, and he immediately entered the Jinxiu District. Xiaoqing also turned around and followed him in.
