

The Legend of the White Snake(6.3)

Chapter 6.3 Bai & Xu created a rift



Jin Ruyi walked towards them and noticed a woman standing at the Xu family's door wearing the same clothes as her. Yin Xiang whispered, "Miss, look quickly. This girl's clothes are exactly the same as yours."

Jin Ruyi looked Bai Suzhen up and down, showing a thoughtful expression. Suddenly, she realized that this was the country bumpkin who had never seen the world before.

Bai Suzhen saw her staring at her and politely nodded at her. The three of them were about to enter the door when Jin Ruyi suddenly said, "Wait!"

Bai Suzhen turned around with a suspicious look and asked, "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Jin Ruyi arrogantly asked, "Who are you people and why are you here?"

Bai Suzhen politely replied, "This young lady, I am here to find Doctor Xu."

Jin Ruyi walked over and blocked the door, "Then come back another day. The Xu family is holding a banquet today and cannot entertain outsiders."

Xiao Qing couldn't stand it and said, "Who do you think you are? According to my knowledge, the only woman in the Xu family is Doctor Xu's elder sister. Are you Doctor Xu's aunt?"

Jin Ruyi was furious, "Who are you calling an aunt?"

Xiao Qing looked at her with satisfaction, "Not an aunt? Then are you an elder sister or an aunt? Oh... I know, you must be Uncle Xu's mother-in-law."


Xiao Qing looked at her defeated appearance and thought to herself, "She is too arrogant. Does she really think that everyone can be bossed around like Doctor Xu?"

She deliberately exaggerated and took out the invitation from her pocket, showing it off in front of Jin Ruyi. "This is the invitation that your childhood sweetheart, Master Xu, personally delivered. He invited us three or five times with great enthusiasm, and we reluctantly accepted the invitation."

Jin Ruyi snatched the invitation and checked it. Xiao Qing provocatively said, "Don't tell me you don't recognize your brother Han's calligraphy?"

Jin Ruyi's face sank and she threw the invitation away. With Yin Xiang, she angrily rushed into the Xu family's house.

Xu Xian was helping his sister set up the tableware and dishes in the courtyard and occasionally looked towards the gate. Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

Xu Xian was delighted to see the visitor, but was disappointed when he saw that it was Jin Ruyi. Jin Ruyi, on the other hand, was very happy to see Xu Xian and immediately put on a reserved look, "I knew you would be waiting for me here!"

Xu Xian led her aside and said, "You sit first. I'll come back to accompany you after I finish my work."

Jin Ruyi was dissatisfied, "Isn't your sister and brother-in-law hosting? You can entertain me alone. Come on, let's chat."

Xu Xian explained, "There are many guests today and my sister can't handle it alone. I have to help her."

Xu Jiaorong came over with a bowl of soup and Jin Ruyi ordered Yin Xiang to get the soup. Xu Jiaorong was busy saying, "No need, this soup is hot. Let me-"

Yin Xiang had already picked up the tray with the hot soup and screamed as she was scalded. The soup spilled towards Jin Ruyi, but Xu Xian quickly shielded her behind him. Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

Just then, a figure flashed past and deftly caught the dish, then put it back on the tray. The entire action was graceful, like a dragonfly or a dragon, and everyone present was stunned.

Bai Suzhen rolled up her sleeves and warned, "Be careful not to get burned."

Xu Jiaorong was grateful, "Thank you, Miss Bai. Look at me, being so clumsy. Hanwen, go and greet the guests. I'll bring the dishes over first."

Jin Ruyi felt embarrassed and jealous when she saw Bai Suzhen's elegant demeanor, and her face was full of disdain. "I thought she was a lady of high society, but it turns out she's just a martial artist from the countryside."

Xiao Qing retorted, "My mistress is the daughter of the governor of Sichuan, always fearless and capable. Unlike some delicate young ladies who can't even hold a bowl steadily."


"Xiao Qing!"
Bai Suzhen walked over and held Xia Qing, separating the bickering pair.

Xu Xian looked apologetically at Bai Suzhen, saying, "Miss Bai, this is my apprentice sister at Jishi Hall, Jin Ruyi. Ruyi, this is Miss Bai, who is today's honored guest."

Bai Suzhen said, "Miss Ruyi, I am pleased to meet you."

Jin Ruyi rolled her eyes and said, "I forgive your impoliteness."

Afterwards, she glanced at Yin Xiang, ignoring Bai Suzhen, and turned to Xu Xian with a smiling face, saying, "Xu Xian, look at what I brought as a gift for you."

Yin Xiang immediately presented a box, which contained a top-grade Lingzhi mushroom.

Xu Xian exclaimed, "Isn't this the Lingzhi mushroom from Master's treasure? Ruyi, how did you get it?"

Jin Ruyi looked at Bai Suzhen and said, "As a guest in your home, how can I come empty-handed? I'm not one of those impolite people. Besides, I'm the young lady of Jishi Hall, and this treasure is worth showing off."

Xia Qing sneered, thinking to herself that it's just a Lingzhi mushroom. There are plenty of valuable treasures in West Lake. She muttered to herself, feeling embarrassed that she didn't bring a gift.

Bai Suzhen secretly performed a spell behind her back, and a wooden box appeared in Xia Qing's hand.

Bai Suzhen signaled to Xia Qing, who immediately stepped forward with the wooden box and said, "This is a small gift prepared by my mistress."

Jin Ruyi intentionally sabotaged, "Miss Bai has a delicate mind, and her gift must be very special. Xu Xian, let me take a look."

Before Xu Xian could stop her, Jin Ruyi had already opened the box. Inside were several books. Jin Ruyi was stunned for a moment, then sneered, obviously not impressed with such a shabby gift.

However, Xu Xian's eyes lit up and he took out the books excitedly.

Bai Suzhen said slowly, "My family has inherited many medical books and scriptures. I have copied and sorted them to make a gift for you. I hope Master Xu doesn't mind this shabby gift."

Xu Xian was moved and bowed to her, saying, "Miss Bai, you are generous and have a unique skill, yet you are not hiding anything. This is the most valuable gift I have ever received. Thank you, Miss Bai."

Jin Ruyi was annoyed and walked into the room with Yin Xiang.

The banquet was already set up in the main hall. When Bai Suzhen and the others entered, Xu Jiaorong, who was arranging the dishes, stopped and walked over to them.

"Thank you so much just now, Miss Bai. I've been busy and didn't take care of you. By the way, I haven't introduced you to..." she looked at Jing Song and said, "Madam Xu, this is my cousin Jing Song. We didn't invite you, but you came. Sorry for the trouble."

Madam Xu waved her hand and said, "No, you are welcome. Come on, let's go inside."

Xu Jiaorong pointed to Li Gongfu and introduced, "This is my husband, Li Gongfu."

Bai Suzhen bowed to Li Gongfu. Li Gongfu looked at Bai Suzhen up and down and suddenly slapped his head, saying, "Madam, I remember now. When we caught Wu Niangzi, there was a fairy who helped me. This Miss Bai looks just like that fairy!"

Bai Suzhen thought to herself, "Oh no, I've been recognized!" She quickly glanced at Jing Song, thinking about how to explain it.

Xu Xian looked at her suspiciously and said, "Miss Bai, did you go to the embroidery workshop that day?"

Bai Suzhen blushed and lowered her eyes, "I was worried about Changsheng's safety that day and arrived a step too late. I was injured by the self-destructing monster and did not meet this brother Li."

Li Gongfu still doubted and said, "Oh, maybe I was mistaken?"

Xu Jiaorong said, "Hmph, Miss Bai is kind and beautiful, and looks like a fairy. It's not wrong to mistake her for a fairy."

Xia Qing took over and said, "My mistress is like a sister to me. We always sit at the same table when we eat."

Jin Ruyi sneered, "You call a maid your sister? No wonder..."

Xia Qing was angry and was about to


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